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Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)


The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) is a collection of projects in the field of Research, Technological Development and Demonstration for the period 2002 to 2006. The projects are co-funded by the European Union. The EU funds only a certain percentage of the total costs of a project. Participants have to finance the rest themselves. A project has to be transnational. The programme will be followed by the seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in 2007.

The strategic objectives of FP6 are to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of industry and encourage its international competitiveness while promoting research activities in support of other EU policies. The Framework Programme does not cover all areas of science and technology. There are 7 thematic areas defined. One of these areas is Information Society Technologies (IST). The strategic objective of IST is: anywhere anytime natural access to IST services for all

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